About Us
Our background
BCT has been offering construction training , mentoring and support to young people since 2004. We moved to our current location in 2019 and we are very excited to be a part of the new community hub that is planned as part of the urban regeneration programme.
This will be an amazing resource for the Ardoyne area and we are delighted to work along with the ABC Trust and the Flax Trust in offering training and employment opportunities for the young people of the greater Belfast area.

Who we work with
- Young people
- Employers
- Job seekers
- School leavers
- Supporting organisations
How we deliver
- Informal relaxed setting
- Expert staff
- Mentoring & support
- Access to further support
- Links external organisations & support Systems
- Holistic approach
Our team
BCT NI C.I.C are a not for profit organisation.
Our Board Members are Fiona Bailie , Stephen Konrad AYC, Chris Bailie and Kevin McGarry Ardoyne Association

Fiona Bailie
Managing Director

Chris Bailie
Centre Manager

Jill Bailie
Office Administrator

Seamus Reid
Training Manager

Leon Glass
Joiner Apprentice

Declan Burns
Bricklaying Tutor

Maire Donnelly
(JMD Training)
IV quality control
Our vision
The future for us is very exciting. We will soon be moving into purpose-built premises and be part of an amazing community hub facility. We cannot wait to welcome our trainees and clients to our new home!
We are committed to focusing on three areas:
- We want to reach more young people, particularly young females who are seriously underrepresented in the construction industry.
- We want to help as many young people as possible to discover skills that will enable them to earn a living and support their families and improve their quality of life
- We want to give back to the community and offer our services where possible for community development projects

Our values
We firmly believe in our five core values.
- People– To help young people gain employment opportunities by overcoming obstacles. We believe that life is not always a level playing field and sometimes a little help us needed to even things up!
- Respect- We will always endeavour to treat everyone that we meet with respect and hope they will return the favour. This includes respect for the environment, nature and all living things.
- Kindness- We place a high importance on the people who actually ‘do’ the work. Without the men and women on site nothing would be built.
- Partnerships- We believe that everything that we do involves the whole person.
- Community spirit- It is very hard to learn and focus if your mind is full of concerns or you don’t know where you are sleeping at the end of the day. We work with some amazing people who work tirelessly to address these issues.
We endeavour where possible to practice and teach the sustainable development goals
- No Poverty
- No Hunger
- Good Health
- Quality Of Education
- Gender Equality
- Clean Water & Sanitisation
- Clean Energy
- Good Jobs & Economic Growth
- Innovation & Infrastructure
- Reduced Inequalities
- Sustainable Cities & Communities
- Responsible Consumption
- Protect The Planet
- Life Below Water
- Life On Land
- Peace And Justice
- Partnership for the goals
The only obstacle between you and your goal is you

Get in touch & start your journey with BCT today